My Approach

My Approach

Finding a therapist who is a good fit for you can be extremely rewarding. I welcome you to read more about my approach to therapy to decide if working with me could be beneficial for you.

I am here to help you get back to living the life you want to have.

There are many things that can get in the way of us going about our daily lives. Whether it's mental health symptoms, difficulty adjusting to life changes, or work stress, sometimes life can feel quite challenging.

If you are feeling isolated by your circumstances, I want to reassure you that you are not alone. It's my goal to support you with a non-judgmental space where we can make a commitment to actions that will bring you back to the life you want to have.

I offer a free 15-min consultation for you to decide if working with me fits your needs. Feel free to read more about my approach or book an appointment now.

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A man stands atop a fence post in the distance, arms spread wide, with snow-capped mountains in the background.

What can therapy help with?

These are some of the causes and conditions that can lead people to seek out therapy with me. All of these are sources of emotional pain that many of us will experience over the course of our lives.

They don't become "problems" until we find that they are stopping us from living the life we want to have by getting in the way of enjoying the activities that we usually enjoy, being able to do our jobs effectively, or not being the friend, spouse, partner, or family member that we want to be. This is where therapy can be helpful.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

I practice a type of therapy that incorporates mindfulness, values exploration, and acceptance practices to help individuals make meaningful changes to their lives.

Often referred to as part of the third-wave of Cognitive Behavioral Theory, this method helps us acknowledge our relationship with our thoughts and make space for observing them. Becoming friendly with our thoughts and emotions instead of trying to change them allows the mind to be more comfortable whenever they arise.

Some components of the ACT method include the following:

An icon of a magnifying glass against the head.


Learning to notice our thought process rather than getting caught up with the content of our thoughts.

For example, prefacing any thought we are having with, "I am having the thought that..."

Icon of a face with punctuation marks floating around the head, implying crowded thoughts.


A willingness to allow our internal experiences to show up and be present (thoughts, feelings, sensations, urges) while still continuing to take action.

If we are anxious about a job interview and wait for the anxiety to pass, we may never make it in the door. Instead, you acknowledge the anxiety, and make a choice to proceed with the interview even though anxiety is there.

Icon of a clipboard.

Committed Action

Actively moving towards what we truly want in life in spite of the presence of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

For example, if we are committed to a goal to walk in the morning before work, we may have to make a space for feeling tired or a thought that we don’t have time.

Icon of a metronome.


These are the things that matter to us in life. The way we want to interact with the world, other people, and ourselves.

Examples include adventure, partnership, health, creativity, order, kindness, and so on.

Icon of a stopwatch.

The Present Moment

This is the process of making contact with the here and now. One of the main ways we can improve our ability to be in the present moment is through mindfulness practice.

Icon of a chaise lounge chair.

The Observing Self

This is the part of us that is distinct from our "thinking self". This is the part of us that is able to observe and notice our experience.

For example, if we notice that we are attached to a judgmental label in which we call ourselves lazy, because we find ourselves having difficulty completing a task, making contact with observing self may allow us to notice that we observe that we are overwhelmed, tired, or experiencing multiple interruptions.

Using this method of therapy, together we can identify patterns of behavior that are preventing you from living the life you want to have.

Once we begin to look inwards and acknowledge what's truly important to us, as well as what's holding us back, we can take meaningful steps towards change.

A black-and-white image of two men wearing suits with boutonnières, holding hands and running gleefully.